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Newborn Twin Photography session Kensington London

Mar 13, 2017

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Newborn Twin Photography session Kensington London

Photographed at their home in Kensington just two weeks after they were born. I can’t stop looking at this picture. It was just such a perfect photoshoot. These two dreamy little ones, gently sleeping together. It is moments like these that I love to capture during my newborn twin photography sessions. Time passes so quickly and it is only the early weeks when twins still sleep together.

I know many parents put them in the brilliant sleepy head pods. Side by side in the same cot or crib. This is a great way to enable them to sleep together without them disturbing each other. I wish I had known about these when I had my two! Brilliant Swedish design and available in so many gorgeous prints & colours.

Twins are amazing aren’t they. Two new little people born minutes apart. It is incredible to think that just over a week before these shots were taken they were tucked up inside their Mum. Pregnancy is so incredible and I’m always in awe of twin Mums.

If you know of any brilliant twin support networks please let me know. I always like to pass on recommendations to my Clients and I have a lot of twins booked in this year already.

I often pass on inspiration and positive twin parenting advice from my client Ursula Rose. Her blog is fantastic. Refreshing and truthful. Definitely worth a visit if you are a twin mummy. http://ursula-rose.com/

From Ursula I learnt a valuable lesson about twin mummy’s. That is that when you are pregnant you constantly hear negative remarks. Such as ‘twins, oh my that must have been a shock’, ‘oh it’s going to be so hard’ ‘wow twins, how will you cope?’

She told me that it can really bring you down when you are already naturally nervous but also want to celebrate the fact that you are having twins. I mean it is pretty incredible isn’t it! You are going to have two babies! Two children at one time, a complete family. One pregnancy (if you decided to only do it once), one birth, one set of teething etc and the joy of seeing them grow and bond together. They will always have a playmate and always have someone they are close to.

It was so lovely to work with her on her newborn photography session. I always take her positive outlook to my twin sessions and hope that it helps.

I think there need to me more posts and sites like this for twin parents, I’d love to hear about them so please do get in touch

Newborn Twin Photography session Kensington, London

Newborn Twin Photography session Kensington, London

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