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Baby Photography Old Street London, Newborn, Family, Children

Mar 17, 2017

By | admin

Baby Photography Old Street London, Newborn, Family & Children

I love this mother and baby portrait taken at a newborn photography session in Old Street, London. We wrapped her little one in my hand made crochet shawl just at the last minute to settle him. It worked perfectly and the delicate crochet detail looks gorgeous draping down. I also have complete hair envy! Such a beautiful new mummy.

It is always refreshing to visit new parts of London and I loved travelling to their stunning home in Old Street. Tucked away but with incredible views over the city. I also found this great blog for urban mums living in London www.urbanmums.net 

I set up my studio in their home. Ensuring that the room was warm enough for these beautiful sleepy shots. I bring a special heated pad to warm my newborn posing beanbag before positioning the baby. This really helps to keep them comfortable and settled during the photoshoot.

I bring everything that is needed with me so that the new parents can sit back and relax. All of my nappy covers, hats and blankets are handmade. Using the softest most delicate fabrics which won’t irritate baby’s delicate skin. Any props used are hand-washed after each session with non-bio sensitive washing powder. Care and attention is paid to all these little details. Their safety and comfort is always my priority. With years of experience working with newborns you can rest assured that they are in safe hands. I bring my own hand sanitiser gel and reapply this regularly. I’m also more than happy to use any supplied at the home.

Working with newborns is such a joy. I like to allow them to fall naturally into poses with a little guidance and help from me to create the perfect shot.

I hope you enjoy this sneak peak!

Baby Photography Old Street London, Newborn, Family & Children

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