Baby Photographer London, Pregnancy, Newborn, Family Portraits
Another from my lovely newborn photography session in Belsize Park, North London. I think there is nothing sweeter than photographing a newborn with a special cuddly toy. I have so many of my daughter with her favourite teddy when she was born. He was the same size of her and so fluffy! Now he is very warn and almost thread bare in places. He is loved though and still sleeps close by her side every night. This special elephant looks set for the same journey. All plush and new cuddled up next to his new owner. Who knows what adventures they will go on together.
Recently when visiting my parents home Bessie and I got my suitcase of childhood treasures out of the loft. In it was my old teddy. I have told Bessie many tales about him and she couldn’t wait for me to be reunited with my favourite ted. He was just as I remembered in his 70’s orange pyjamas with the elephant buttons made by my Mum. Bessie was so thrilled that every night she likes to tuck him into my bed ready for me. She said I must have missed him so much and he mustn’t ever be returned to the loft.
I have now passed him onto Sonny who has yet to select his special ted. He seems non fussed at the moment and usually tosses him out of his bed but perhaps he will grow on him or perhaps he will select his own. Either way it is nice to have him back and there is a part of me that is relieved he is not in a dark suitcase anymore.
I think I’ll have to post a picture of them together soon! We don’t let Bessie take her teddy out of the house – too dangerous out there! But I believe there is an ebay site for lost teddy’s which is popular. Selling a range of popular teddy’s and comforters so that you can quickly replace your little ones favourite soft toy. My sister in law very cleverly brought several of her son’s favourite elephant.
I hope you enjoy this sweet picture of baby Lily & her soft elephant as much as I have!
Baby Photographer London, Pregnancy, Newborn, Family Portraits