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Newborn Twin Photography Session London

Apr 23, 2017

By | admin

Newborn Twin Photography Session London

Before I leave for my Sunday pregnancy photoshoot I had to just share these two little beauties. Photographed at a recent newborn twin photography session near Tower Bridge, London.

Two peas in a pod. The perfect shot for a lovely lazy Sunday afternoon! I hope you are all enjoying yours. The sun has been in and out today and it’s been the ideal weather for the London Marathon. I’ve been thinking of all the runners today. We usually try to make it down to Greenwich for our two children to high five the runners. Unfortunately this year with our schedule of photoshoots it’s just not been possible. We’ve had our own mini marathon in the garden though. My two love to have races up and down whilst we time them. Obstacle courses are another firm favourite! A great way to wear them out before bedtime!

I wonder if these two will ever run in the London marathon or perhaps the Olympics?! I wonder what their path will be. They look so perfect wrapped up in this little pod and it was a wonderful newborn session.

I love newborn twin photography sessions. It is incredible to photograph two tiny babies together and an honour to be one of the first to meet them. They were both as dreamy as they look in this picture.

Twin sessions do take longer than single newborn sessions. I recommend booking as far in advance as possible (after your 20 week scan) so that the photoshoot can be planned. Please contact me for details.

I’m looking forward to returning in a few months for their 6 month session. It will be amazing to document them as they grow! Watch this space for their next session pictures to see the changes. I will do a gallery at the end of their first year to show the transition. I have a great ‘watch me grow’ programme. Drop me an email or fill in your details on the booking page for details.

Newborn Twin Photography Session London


Newborn Twin Photography Session London

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