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Pregnancy & newborn photography, Camberwell London

Sep 15, 2011

By | admin

Hi All,

September and October have been busy months, I’ve been working on pregnancy & newborn baby photography sessions with so many beautiful families – I love photographing the before & after and it’s wonderful to get to know so many of you so well during this special time.

I’ve also been working on a selection to share with you in my blog and twitter pics, it’s wonderful revisiting the shoots each one is so different and unique – unfortunately I can’t always share my portrait session immediately as I like to wait for the families to view their pictures and always ask permission before I share these publicly.

I’ve just finished a fantastic pregnancy photo shoot in Camberwell, South East London with Emma – she called me last minute after hearing my BBC Radio 4 programme to see if I could fit her in. We managed to find some time for a pregnancy photo shoot on her due date and her waters broke 45 minutes after I left!! Such wonderful news and I’m going back next week to photograph her baby daughter. It’s moments like that that make me love my profession even more!

Elle x


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