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Baby Photographer London, Islington

Oct 28, 2017

Baby Photographer London Islington

It’s been so busy the last few months I’ve really neglected my blog and social media pages. There just aren’t enough hours in the day! It feels like we are fast forwarding to Christmas with all the beautiful Christmas gifts and packages I’ve been working on.

I can’t wait to share some with you. You can also purchase your Christmas gift vouchers and packages here Christmas Photography Gifts 2018

I’m hoping to add pictures of these soon. If you are interested and would like a bespoke package please do contact me and I will send you details. As I am often on photoshoots during the day email is best and I will  respond with 24 hours.

I’m sharing just the one picture today from a gorgeous newborn photography session in London. This little one was just so curious and didn’t want to miss a moment of her first photoshoot. Looking absolutely adorable in this portrait, it is lovely to capture wide awake shots at this stage. Her little folded arms and bright eyes make this picture come to life.

I love that this will become a treasured memory of her at this stage. I’ve really enjoyed returning to so many of my Clients homes this month to meet their new arrivals or photograph their little ones next stage. It’s such a joy to see so many of my pictures lovingly displayed on their walls. All looking absolutely beautiful even years on from our first session.

This one certainly needs to be in a frame!

Elle xx

Baby Photographer London Islington

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