+44 (0) 7810 801466

Baby photography in South Kensington, London

Apr 12, 2012

By | admin

I’ve just finished a wonderful baby photography session in South Kensington London with a lovely 5 month old baby boy.

It’s a beautiful stage to photograph as babies are very engaging at this age, they love to be sung too so there is always plenty of singing during my baby photography sessions! It’s a good job I’m well practiced with my little girl who is now 18months old.

It is amazing how quickly time passes, people always tell me this and as a parent you half listen but then once the first year has passed you are left thinking ‘where did the time go?’ and ‘where did my baby go!’

I love photographing babies and children, helping to create those lasting memories of this fleeting time is a privilege and a joy.

I’ll be posting more portraits on my blog soon and will also be updating my website with new products and packages. In the meantime please contact me for further details on first year celebration packages!

Elle x

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