As a Chelsea Newborn photographer I am often travelling between my clients homes in Kensington, Chelsea, Westminster, Greenwich and many other london boroughs. I have even recently extended my area’s to Kent and Surrey.
It is my greatest pleasure to be able to travel to the homes of my Client’s with my portable baby photography studio. Over the past 13 years I have been lucky to photograph hundreds of beautiful babies and their families in London. Each baby photoshoot and each family photography or maternity portrait session I do is unique. I tailor the photography session to suit the needs of the family I am photographing.
Colour baby photography
Often I am asked if the newborn photoshoot will be in colour or black & white? The answer is both! I love both black & white baby photography and colour baby portraits. I am also able to offer advice on which works best for your photographs. Most of my Client’s choose a mix of both form their viewing galleries.
Newborn photography at home – tips to help prepare
I send out pre-photoshoot advice to my Client’s before their photoshoot with me to ensure they are prepared.
It is always best to keep things simple so there isn’t too much for the new parents to really prepare. I will bring everything needed to ensure the newborn photography session runs smoothly. With minimum interruption to that all important resting period.
Below are my 5 top tips for a newborn photography session at home:
- Prepare the room so that it is a comfortable temperature for baby. To allow baby to be photographed without his or her clothes on. Don’t make the room too hot so that everyone is over-heating! The room temperature should be a comfortable 16-20°C
- Have a few nicely ironed tops or outfits ready for yourself. Choose neutral colours.
- Don’t worry about how your baby will be when I arrive. I don’t expect anyone to be ready!
- I only book one photoshoot per day so I am with you for the duration there is nothing to worry about. Just relax and enjoy your photography session. I am here to make it easy for you.
When to book your newborn photography session
You can book your newborn photography session with me at any time. I do recommend if possible after your 20 week scan so that I can add you to my newborn calendar for your due month.
However if you decide after you have had your baby that you would like to book a newborn photoshoot. Then just get in touch. If I have last minute spaces I will always try to find a date that works for you.
“The newborn window”
I wanted to mention this as I feel some parents worry that they have missed “the newborn window” if they haven’t booked by the time their baby is three weeks old. I can honestly say that over the past 13 years I have photographed new babies from one week to 10 weeks and beyond. Each time the photographs are beautiful and reflect your baby and your family at that moment. In my opinion there is no wrong time and no newborn window to miss. After all your baby will only be as they are at that time once. I love to capture that and celebrate them as they are.
To book your london newborn photography session contact me via my booking page
I’m excited to meet you soon!
Elle x