Family Photographer Westminster London W1. I have photographed these two since the week after this darling little girl was born.
It is always a joy to go back and photograph them at their home in Westminster. I love my ‘watch me grow’ sessions. Documenting little ones as they change and their personalities develop.
It is without a doubt a thrill to see all of the pictures I have taken over the years displayed so lovingly in their home. I can see how treasured they are. Taking a series of children and family portraits in the same style is a great way to capture their changes over the years.
I was very warmly received by these two who have go to know me over the years. They were excited about their photoshoot and knew exactly what to do! We even had great fun arranging some of their favourite toys for their own private photoshoot. I loved this so much! It is s so lovely to feel that everyone has enjoyed the session. I hope that they will have fond memories of these sessions from their childhood. And of course love the pictures too.
There is a beautiful mother & baby portrait from their newborn photography session on my portfolio page. You can see it via this link. It is such a tender moment and wonderful to look back at now her daughter is such a gorgeous three year old!
These moments between them happened so naturally. I think they work really well as a set. Such bright smiles and sweet cuddles.
Family Photographer Westminster London W1