Newborn photography West London session with this little cutie. A tiny smile crept across her face just as the shutter clicked. It’s one of those incredible moments during a newborn photography session. Everyone one in the room melts and it’s such a lovely feeling.
I’m really pleased with this shot of this gorgeous little newborn. swinging happily in her Daddy’s arm. What a wonderful feeling that must be. Her Dad was gently stroking her back to make her feel settled and relaxed for this picture. I love how his hand is gently touching her back.
Nestled in the heart of Kensington on a quiet leafy street. I arrived at their family home for their first photoshoot with their precious new arrival. I always feel excited before my newborn sessions. To capture this moment for the new parents and future generations of their family is an honour. I’m entering into their lives at a very private time. The new parents are at home getting to know their new baby and learning how to look after them. It’s a big change to their lives especially with the first born. I remember how I felt in these early days and am very sensitive to that. We generally chat and drink lots of tea whilst I set up the different studio settings for each portrait. Newborn sessions take time and I want to ensure that everyone is relaxed and happy. Most importantly that the baby is comfortable at all times. For this reason I only take on a certain amount of newborns each month and I only book one session per day.
It is a magical time and I want my newborn session to the beautiful memories of this time.
Today I’m having some family time to celebrate my nephews 10th birthday! I can’t believe what a lovely human he is and I’m so proud. The past 10 years he has added to our lives and we already have so many great memories and happy times between us. I still remember the day he was born as if it was yesterday. I rushed to the hospital to be with my sister and brother in-law. To hold him and to hug them. He was so tiny and perfect with a full head of gorgeous hair. It really doesn’t feel like 10 years ago! I use to marvel at my Dad when he talked about things that happened ’10 years ago’. I would think goodness how do you remember things that happened so long ago! As a child you can’t imagine that. The days seem to last forever and a year stretches out for eternity.
I love documenting children as they grow. I’m lucky to have many Clients who ask me to take portraits of their children year after year. It is a thrill to capture the changes in them and see their personalities grow & develop. A series of portraits in the same style over the years really does capture those changes. It is a beautiful gift to give them.
I’m more than happy to chat through details of these. One of my most popular packages is the First Year Photography experience. Which is three sessions spread over the first year. For details please contact me via my booking page.