Featuring one of my favourite recent pregnancy photography sessions in South London.
The way this silk moves with my wind machine is like flowing water. This was such a beautiful pregnancy photography session at my Client’s home in Woolwich. When I arrived at their lovely waterfront apartment with my portable studio I was greeted by her family. Both her sisters, her two year old nephew and her husband were there to help with the photoshoot. It was a wonderful family occasion to celebrate her pregnancy.
I set my studio up in their lounge whilst Mum continued to get ready. My photography studio set-up is so adaptable and I’m able to make everything come together in even the smallest of spaces. It is always wonderful to see the space transform into an intimate studio. Providing ease and comfort to the pregnancy photography session.
We tried a number of different looks, some with the soft pressed silks that I brought with me. Some with her own items of clothing. All creating very different looks.
This is one of my favourites as I love how the silk moved in this moment and her hair swept over the side, my lighting worked beautifully and everything just came together for me in this one shot.

Maternity photography at home
Creating different looks to the portraits whilst using my home studio is something I’ve worked hard on over the years.
I bring two backdrop and often change my lighting to give a different feel to each image. There is also a lot of joy with these photoshoots. There is always laughter and a strong connection between myself and my subject that happens each time. These moments take place because, I believe, my Client’s feel completely at ease in their own home and with me as their photographer. I’ve been told this over the years and it is the greatest compliment I could possibly receive.
The second image I’ve chosen for this post has a more relaxed feel. I love the jeans and crop top look which has become a key look in each maternity session I do.
Adding a little wind from my wind machine gives movement and energy to this pose.

Black & White maternity photography
I’m a huge fan of black & white photography. In fact my love of black & white portraits is what led me into photography in the first instance. For me these images have an iconic and nostalgic feel to them. I love this traditional form of photography and still to this day believe that these images stand the test of time.
This is the third shot I’ve chosen from this pregnancy photography session in South London to show on my blog.
I love how simple this shot is but how powerful it also is. She looks like a film star and these will form a treasured memory of this time I am sure for many years to come.

Booking your maternity photoshoot
To get in touch to book your pregnancy photography session with me I can be contacted either via Whatsapp (click on the whatsapp button on my website for ease), via my contact page, or by phone. Please note that I sometimes can’t answer calls and the best way to contact me is via email or Whatsapp.
I always reply within 24 hours to assist with bookings.
For locations I cover London, South East London, South West London, Central London, North London, West London, Essex, Kent and Surrey. For some areas I can only travel to certain parts such as I only cover certain areas of Kent & Surrey that are close to London so please do get in touch to see if you area is covered.
If you would like to view further sessions please do look at my instagram which is updated weekly.