What a busy and fun start to the week, I’ve had two pregnancy portrait sessions and two baby portrait sessions and it’s only Tuesday!
This morning’s shoot was so lovely as I revisited a little boy called Zach in Balham who I last photographed when he was only two weeks old and he’s now 15 months old and full of energy! Luckily there were lots of toys and musical instruments to hand in Zachs toy box to entertain and distract him during the session making it a fun experience for the family.
I’ve also just received a lovely testimonial and email following a pregnancy and newborn shoot I did in Highbury & Islington for Deborah and her family. Deborah made me laugh as she reminded me that I was singing a Peppa Pig song to her little girl Greta who is the same age as my little girl – well the things I will do for a smile!