” Elle is a baby whisperer! She was able to capture the most beautiful pictures of our little boy at only 13 days old. She came to our house and made our little one (and us) feel very comfortable. We are so happy with all of the photos!”
I’m always grateful to receive feedback from the families I photograph, it means so much. I have chosen just one picture from this lovely newborn photography session in Wandsworth. It is a peaceful picture of this beautiful 13-week old baby. I love the simplicity of my black and white newborn pictures. His little hands clasped gently together and the tiny contented smile starting to appear. What is he dreaming about?!
Baby Whisperer
One of the biggest compliments I receive from my Client’s is the title ‘baby whisperer’. This phrase or title seems to hold some kind of magic but truly most of the work is done by the new parents. Trusting me and keeping calm during the photoshoot all help to create the perfect atmosphere for a newborn photo shoot. A big part of making this magic happen is also the photoshoot taking place in your own home. The home is the perfect warm, safe and peaceful environment for both parents and their new baby.
Before each session, I send a few helpful tips to prepare. Throughout the session I encourage lots of breaks for feeding and cuddling, ensuring your little one is cosy and happy.
This is the most enjoyable part of my work. I love spending time with newborn babies. I honestly can’t imagine a more magical time to photograph a family. In my opinion, this is one of the most important moments in life that just has to be recorded. The newborn stage is all too fleeting for us parents and I love to think I have in some way frozen part of it in time.
I am very happy to share this mother and baby portrait taken at a recent newborn photoshoot in Blackheath London.
Parent and baby portraits form an important part of my newborn photoshoots. It is tender moments like these that will be treasured by both mother and child for years to come. If my Clients don’t feel camera-ready that is not a problem. I have many other ways of including parents in the photoshoot to show the gentle care and love they have for their new baby. Such as using hands to cup the perfectly tiny feet or cradle their hands.
On the day of the photoshoot, I will arrive at your home with my portable studio, lighting, backdrops and my suitcase of beautiful handmade baby outfits, headbands, and hats. All items are carefully selected for softness, material and the natural look they will give the photographs.
Once I have found the best spot in the home to set up the first part of the session is often spent chatting whilst we get your baby ready. I like to get to know my Client’s and put everyone at ease, even the most camera shy! I am very used to working with new parents as well as newborns. As a mother myself, I can relate to the emotions and anxieties of those first few weeks. I want to make the experience of a newborn photoshoot easy and enjoyable for everyone. This starts with travelling to my Client’s home. Taking any stress out of the day.
When to Book
Newborn photoshoots are best scheduled during the first three weeks following the birth. This is the ‘newborn’ stage and it is incredible how quickly they change! If possible please book your photoshoot in advance. I recommend after your 20-week scan. This ensures that I will be able to fit you in when your baby is born. I will reserve a time period around your due date for natural deliveries. For planned deliveries, we can pre-book the photoshoot date.
For further details and full price list please contact me via my booking page, I would love to hear from you!
Capturing moments of joy with family photography in your home
I loved returning to Wimbledon in South West London recently to photograph a family a first met two years ago when they asked me to capture the pregnancy and newborn pictures for their first baby.
This beautiful moment was captured at their home during the newborn photo-shoot for baby number 2! Whilst Dad was soothing and feeding the new arrival I quickly took the opportunity to take some pictures with these two. Making sure they had some special mother/daughter time together. You can see how much fun they were having and how relaxed they both felt in front of the camera. I love that this shines through in the picture.
Family moments
Like most mothers I often feel that I’m not very often in pictures with my children. It is always me after all who is behind the camera making sure I capture all those precious milestones. I love creating a record of my children’s childhood for them to look back on. However, I can’t help but notice how often I hear from my friends and Client’s that there just aren’t enough if any pictures of them with their children.
For this reason, I like to make a point of capturing some special Mum pictures in every photoshoot. After all these are the ones that your children and grandchildren are going to treasure the most.
I would love to hear from you and capture your next milestone for you, please get in touch here
I’m in love with these shots! Thank you to my Client for permission to share some of the beautiful photographs I took at newborn photography session at her home in Holland Park.
As requested by my Client as well as the classic black and white shots, I included some beautiful colour pictures for her. I’m really pleased with the results. I have also added a few more to my instagram. I would love to know what you think!
On request I am including these with all of my classic black & white photoshoot’s at home. I bring everything that is needed to you so that you don’t have to leave. Including these beautiful handmade props for newborn photography session’s. Silks and lace for pregnancy photography session’s are also provided by me. Using my portable studio and lighting guarantee’s perfect results in your home every time.
I would love to hear from you and capture the next important stage for you and your family. Please contact me for further details here
My Client’s come back to me year after year to capture their family portraits. This is the biggest compliment for me and I love returning to see them again. I have lots of reviews both on my testimonial page and on my google review page.
So valentines day is fast approaching! I have had many orders for valentines day gift vouchers already. There is still time to purchase yours! Gift voucher’s are personalised and can be made for bespoke packages. There is nothing more romantic than a family photoshoot or pregnancy photoshoot together with the loved one’s in your life. As well as a beautiful experience you will have the photographs to cherish for a life time.
My gift voucher’s are presented in a gift box with a set of miniature green & blacks chocolates. Silver embossed and tied with a bow! I will take a picture of my next one ready to send once I’ve finished my preparations! Purchases can be made here
Please include your home address or the delivery address for your voucher and any personal message when placing your order.
“I have always been a bit wary of these types of photos but Elle took beautiful pictures and is so gentle with your baby that you’re so happy for her to coax your baby into positions. She just knows babies and you don’t feel under any time pressure if your baby needs feeding or changing. I now have beautiful pictures of my beautiful little girl to treasure forever.”
Thank you so much to my Client for this beautiful review and for permission to share these beautiful shots I took of her newborn baby girl! Isn’t she beautiful!
In my opinion it doesn’t matter when you choose to photograph your new baby. It will always worth capturing them at any stage. Some of my Client’s manage to book before their baby has been born. In this instance I can guarantee I will be available to photograph their new baby in the first 2-3 weeks following the birth. However for some of my Client’s they simply hadn’t thought of newborn photography until their little one arrived. It is after all hard to think of everything when you are becoming a parent for the first time! My advice is to get in touch at any stage. After all even though they are rapidly growing before your eyes they will never be this small again.
I have photographed new babies up to 5 & 6 weeks old and the results have been just as lovely as the first two weeks.
If you have missed the newborn stage it can also be worth waiting until they are a little bigger. When they are able to sit unaided or push themselves up on their tummy’s. For example between 4 – 6 months old. These session’s are also great if you have older children and you would like to have pictures of them altogether. If the older siblings are still quite small (ages 2- 4) and unable to safely hold the new baby, waiting for the baby to be a little stronger and sturdier means that they will all be able to comfortably sit together. It is a great way to capture some beautiful family moments. Also at this age there will be lots of beautiful baby smiles and the children will have had time to all get used to each other and create the brother and sister bond.
First Year Photography
Another option is to capture all the key stage sin the first year! These year book session’s are very popular and need to be booked as far in advance as possible. You will receive three photoshoot’s spread over one year at stages as you choose. To capture your family developing and changing.