As a Chelsea Newborn photographer I am often travelling between my clients homes in Kensington, Chelsea, Westminster, Greenwich and many other london boroughs. I have even recently extended my area’s to Kent and Surrey.
It is my greatest pleasure to be able to travel to the homes of my Client’s with my portable baby photography studio. Over the past 13 years I have been lucky to photograph hundreds of beautiful babies and their families in London. Each baby photoshoot and each family photography or maternity portrait session I do is unique. I tailor the photography session to suit the needs of the family I am photographing.
Colour baby photography
Often I am asked if the newborn photoshoot will be in colour or black & white? The answer is both! I love both black & white baby photography and colour baby portraits. I am also able to offer advice on which works best for your photographs. Most of my Client’s choose a mix of both form their viewing galleries.
Newborn photography at home – tips to help prepare
I send out pre-photoshoot advice to my Client’s before their photoshoot with me to ensure they are prepared.
It is always best to keep things simple so there isn’t too much for the new parents to really prepare. I will bring everything needed to ensure the newborn photography session runs smoothly. With minimum interruption to that all important resting period.
Below are my 5 top tips for a newborn photography session at home:
Prepare the room so that it is a comfortable temperature for baby. To allow baby to be photographed without his or her clothes on. Don’t make the room too hot so that everyone is over-heating! The room temperature should be a comfortable 16-20°C
Have a few nicely ironed tops or outfits ready for yourself. Choose neutral colours.
Don’t worry about how your baby will be when I arrive. I don’t expect anyone to be ready!
I only book one photoshoot per day so I am with you for the duration there is nothing to worry about. Just relax and enjoy your photography session. I am here to make it easy for you.
When to book your newborn photography session
You can book your newborn photography session with me at any time. I do recommend if possible after your 20 week scan so that I can add you to my newborn calendar for your due month.
However if you decide after you have had your baby that you would like to book a newborn photoshoot. Then just get in touch. If I have last minute spaces I will always try to find a date that works for you.
“The newborn window”
I wanted to mention this as I feel some parents worry that they have missed “the newborn window” if they haven’t booked by the time their baby is three weeks old. I can honestly say that over the past 13 years I have photographed new babies from one week to 10 weeks and beyond. Each time the photographs are beautiful and reflect your baby and your family at that moment. In my opinion there is no wrong time and no newborn window to miss. After all your baby will only be as they are at that time once. I love to capture that and celebrate them as they are.
To book your london newborn photography session contact me via my booking page
As a London family photographer I think one of the biggest compliments I could ever have for my work is to return again and again to photograph a family. I love returning to photograph the next newborn baby or to photograph a baby or childhood milestone. Each time we become more familiar with each other and there is a new ease to the pictures. Most of all I love connecting with people and having fun!
For me this family portrait celebrates that fun! The fun we have during a photoshoot comes across in so many of the photographs I take. It’s something that is natural and happens organically. I love that. Just look at the father and son matching smiles! A family portrait like this brings so much joy.
Family Photography in London
Family portraits are an important part of my photoshoots. If I am coming to you for maternity photography, newborn photography or an older baby photograph session I always make time to capture everyone together.
These family portraits are priceless and I just love them!
To make your enquiry for a family photography session with your children (of any age!) please get in touch via my enquiry page
Did you know you can also book a family photography session as a gift?
These are ideal for Mothers Day presents, Fathers Day gifts, Baby Shower gifts or maternity leave gift ideas. Whatever the occasion a personalised gift voucher for a photography session with me is a wonderful present.
My gift vouchers are beautifully presented in a gift box with a set of miniature Green & Blacks chocolates. You can personalise the gift card with a message from you and I will ensure it reaches your friend or family member on time. Just leave all the rest to me!
For gift vouchers you can purchase these directly via my online shop
Capturing the details! Those all important little details. The tiny hands, feet, eyelashes, curls and the little button nose! I love thinking of new creative ways to capture your newborn baby’s little features during our newborn photoshoot. As a Baby & Family photographer in South London, I was happy to travel to their family home in South East London for our photoshoot.
This beautiful little hand in hand moment was something the parents had asked me to capture on the day. Their hands with their babys hand gently placed on top. I couldn’t decide which I loved more – the colour or the black & white so I have included them both for you to decide!
I can’t stop looking at the detail in their hands. There is such a powerful connection with the strength and protection of the parents cupping their tiny babys hand.
When I look back at photographs of my children as babies it is these beautiful shots that I cherish. I used to measure my daughters hands and feet against mine all the time. I watched her feet dangle from up high when she sat on a chair and now they are placed firmly on the ground.
Baby & Family photographer in South London, let me capture the details of your new baby
For newborn photography, baby photography and family photography sessions in and around London contact me here
I am often busy at photoshoot during the day so answering phone calls can be tricky but I always reply to enquiries within 24 hours and I am always happy to arrange a time for a follow up phone call to discuss your photoshoot.
This morning I’ve been reading all the inspiring International Women’s day stories. In celebration of these women and women all over the world I’ve added a special reel to my instagram featuring just some of the women I met last year. To view it please click on @Elle_Fallon
I hope you like it! Please do follow me and give my reel a like. I update my instagram most days with pictures from recent maternity, newborn and baby photography sessions that I have done in London, Kent & Surrey.
Celebrating Women
I feel grateful today for all the women I have met through my work. Photographing women and especially celebrating their journey into motherhood is a great honour that I don’t take for granted. We share our stories and our experience of motherhood. We share the same worries and often the same emotions. The same love for our children and the same ambitions to make the world a better place for them to grow into. A more positive place with equality and kindness.
I have very strong women in my life who I am eternally thankful for. I am thinking of my Mum today, my Aunts, my sisters, my girlfriends and my grandmothers as well as of course my wonderful daughter and nieces!
Thank you to all of them for helping me along the way and to the wonderful women I get to meet every week through my work. I appreciate everything you do!
Oxfam & International Women’s day
A couple of years ago I was very happy to donate a photoshoot for International Women’s day for an evening hosted by Oxfam. I was inspired by the talks and the work which is being carried out by Oxfam. You can read some of the stories here
Each photoshoot I do with a new mother or mother to be is a celebration of women. I am very proud of what I do and of the women I meet along the way.
Get in touch
I’d love to hear from you, if you would like to get in touch you can contact me here
Sometimes you just need a good game of “peekaboo!”. Photographing babies is a joy at any stage. I think that there are a multitude of times that are perfect to have professional photographs of your baby and family. As a Dulwich Baby Photographer I am often travelling around South East London visiting the homes of families to capture special moments like these. My aim is to ensure that your photoshoot at home is effortless for you and your family.
I cover most areas of London, Surrey and Kent and I’m always happy to discuss what you would like from your family photoshoot with you.
This baby stole my heart at our photoshoot in Dulwich. How absolutely adorable are these baby photographs together?! I actually put these on facing pages in the album I designed for the family. I loved the final look of them together.
As much as I love digital images and fully encourage all my clients to have these I also always recommend putting your pictures into an album and framing them around the home. There is nothing that compares to beautiful quality prints in a handmade family album or carefully crafted frames. Special pictures deserve a special place.
What I love about these baby portraits is that they capture a very special moment. The scrunched up little fists covering his face and the surprised look that follows! Absolutely beautiful and the detail in black and white is stunning.
For these portraits I used my Nikon D810 with a 50mm lens. I used softbox lighting with a reflector to create a natural light that gently lights the baby in a natural way.
Baby & family studio Photography at home
I like bringing my studio to the homes of the families I photograph for so many reasons. I love the control it gives me to create a photography studio anywhere with beautiful results. As I don’t need to rely on natural light I can produce the same quality baby and family photographs where-ever I go. I am also not reliant on the weather which is very useful in London city! But not only that it means each baby photoshoot I do can be in a controlled and comfortable environment. This in my opinion is essential to keep baby warm and relaxed during the session.
When should I photograph my baby?
This is a question I am asked a lot and I’m pleased to say there is no wrong time! Whenever you choose to have baby and family portraits the results will be truly unique and reflect that moment in time. I love creating galleries throughout the first year as this is a beautiful way to document the changes in your new baby.
To book your baby photography session contact me here
I would love to speak to you and create a lasting memory for you and your family.