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Photography in the comfort of your home

Mar 18, 2021

Photography in the comfort of your home

A beautiful newborn baby photographed at home at just three weeks old.  Sleeping peacefully throughout our photoshoot, this little one was an absolutely perfect baby model!

I have been honoured to have been asked to photograph three newborn babies for this family over the years and so as you can imagine I have many favourite pictures from their selections.

There is no better compliment as a photographer than being asked back repeatedly to capture special moments like these. I will be sharing some more from this session and others on my Instagram page which is updated more frequently.

Please follow me for regular updates Elle_Fallon

Newborn Photography in the comfort of your home

Family Photography – what it means to me

It’s a wonderful gift to be able to do what you love and to give people something to cherish for the rest of their lives.  I started Elle Fallon Photography over ten years ago now. It grew out of my love of photography and wanting to offer something truly and special and unique to families.

With each passing year, my appreciation of family photography grows stronger. It comes with experience but even more so as I watch my children grow. Childhood is so incredible and so very fleeting. I have lots of talks with my daughter about this at the moment!

The photographs I have taken of them over the years are lovingly displayed in albums and frames around my home. A little git for me and for them and for future generations of our family. They genuinely bring me so much joy every day. A reminder of our special times and their beautiful faces!

During the lockdown, I made sure that I took the time to photograph my children. I was so happy to capture them as they are now. There is a simplicity to black & white photography that I have always loved. The energy between my two came across beautifully in the pictures and I couldn’t wait to add them to the collection of cherished pictures around my home. They also made fantastic gifts for Grandparents and family, particularly as we hadn’t seen them for so long.

New beginnings ..

“There is sweetness in bitter leaf, at the end” – a Yoruba proverb that means good things can come out of unpleasant experiences.

This resonated with me when I read it in an interview with Emeka Frederick of Chuku’s restaurant for Time Out London

We have all been through so much over this past year. I am grateful to be able to be here with my family and I am very happy to be preparing for reopening on the 12th April 2021

Returning to what I love to do most with a Spring in my step and hope for the year ahead. I can’t wait to meet you all!

For bookings please contact me via my booking enquiry page

Simply fill in your details and I will be in touch within 24 hours to assist with your booking.

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